GavickPro Documentation


This article contains the configuration details for the MSocial template. Using these information you can configure your template when you cannot use the Quickstart package. Please remember that some details like the template settings can be imported directly as the JSON file, what is faster than the manual configuration.

Template Settings

IMPORTANT! Remember that you can import/export the template settings using the configuration manager.

File with exported settings for the MSocial template is available here.

  1. Advanced
  2. Basic
  3. Cookielaw
  4. Features
  5. Fonts
  6. Layout
  7. Menu
  8. Socialapi

Fonts configuration

Type: Google Web Fonts
Value - font-family:
Value - URL:,400,500
.bigtitle .header,
.gkMenu ul li,
.gkTabsWrap ol li,
button, .button, .readon, .button.inverse:active, .button.inverse:focus, .button.inverse:hover, input.button, span.button, button.button, div.button, .readmore a, input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], .gkPriceTable dd a, article header > time,
.gkPriceTable dt,
section > header div p,
#community-wrap h1, #community-wrap h2, #community-wrap h3, #community-wrap h4, #community-wrap h5, #community-wrap h6,
#community-wrap .cFilter .filters li, #community-wrap .app-box-footer, .box .app-box-footer ,
.gkJSFeed .gkUsername,
.cGuest .hero-area h1 + p,
#gkMenuOverlayContent .gkcol li a,
#community-wrap .cStream-Author,
#community-wrap .cSubmenu li a,
#community-wrap .js-focus-menu a

Type: Standard fonts
Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
body button, 
body input, 
body select, 
body textarea

Other I - selectors
This font group isn't used.

Other II - selectors
This font group isn't used.

Available Module Positions

Module positions available in the template.

Available Module Variations

Module variations available in the template.

Module settings

Below you can find list of the module positions available in the MSocial template which contains modules in the demo content configuration:

  1. JomSocial - bottom1
  2. JomSocial - bottom4
  3. JomSocial - grid1
  4. bannertop
  5. bottom1
  6. bottom2
  7. bottom3
  8. bottom4
  9. footer_nav
  10. grid1
  11. grid2
  12. grid3
  13. grid4
  14. header
  15. header_bottom
  16. login
  17. mainbody_bottom
  18. sidebar
  19. tab2
  20. top1
  21. usermenu
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