GavickPro Documentation

Got a social Joomla website? Let JomSocial be your primary login

If you are using Joomla GK Template which has JomSocial support like (M) Social or Music – you probably need better integration. That’s why in this tutorial we want to show you how to replace the joomla registration link with your jomsocial one.

  1. First step, using a HTML/Text Editor open this file: templates/gk_msocial/layouts/default.php
  2. Second, find this line:
    <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=registration'); ?>" 
     id="gkRegister"> <?php echo JText::_('TPL_GK_LANG_REGISTER'); ?></a>

    Now change the link to jomsocial one:

    OLD: index.php?option=com_users&view=registration
    NEW: index.php?option=com_community&view=register&task=register

    Now use your FTP client to update the file or, if you are using Joomla 3.2, use File Manager in Template Manager.

Remember to make a backup of the changed default.php file because you will need to use it again when you update the template with a newer version.

On JED I have found a simple plugin (RR link), that creates a redirect for the users of a Joomla site from its default registration page to its Jomsocial registration page. So if a user clicks register in the Joomla-Login form, it redirects him to the Jomsocial Registration Form. At the time of writing this article, this plugin only works with Joomla version 2.5 with Jomsocial installed.

Kunena Integration

Kunena Forum has really good integration with JomSocial (eg. profiles); you can quickly enable a couple of options to integrate both components from the configuration.

K2 Integration

To fully integrate those popular components you have to use an additional plugin which synchronizes K2 and Jomsocial users, replaces all user links/avatars/info in K2 pages with the ones from Jomsocial and inserts activities into the Jomsocial activity stream when a K2 item is created or updated. On JED you should find at least two extensions (commercial).

Got a social Joomla website? Let JomSocial be your primary login 4.505 (90.00%) 2 votes