Few issues with Jomsocial 2.8 in template

Advanced and professional portal news Joomla template with community features and various content display layouts.
GK User
Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:21 am
The first issue is that the Module: "Community - Latest Members" was working fine in the frontpage like the DEMO but now I had to deactivate it because it messed all the layout and the menu bars are just gone.


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The other issue is maybe related to Jomsocial or Joomla, after the jomsocial 2.8 update some profiles just give a 500 error message:

500 String could not be parsed as XML

I uninstalled jomsocial and all plugins and re installed but then all the profiles give the same error

"500 String could not be parsed as XML"

before that just a few profiles were giving the error now are all of them. The other error with the module "Community - Latest Members" stays the same in the template.

If you need an ADMIN account to check just let me know
right now you can login with a regular account to see the errors in profile areas. The "Community - Latest Members" module is deactivated right now

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GK User
Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:09 am
Since latest updates JomSocial modules adds some clearfix CSS rules which as we notice cause many problems not only with template but other extensions - you should contact with them via support to help you with this issue. In short words their styles override template styling which cause a lot of problems. In regard to 500 errors please try to switch JomSocial template to default if you still get this problems probably something goes wrong during update process.
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GK User
Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:16 pm
Changed to default, keeps the same error, I will contact them, thanks
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