Main Menu shows incorrect on mobile devices

GK User
Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:28 pm
Hi there,
I have the desktop template also as my mobile template (so that the site looks exactly the same on my mobile as on my desktop pc).
But when I check with my iphone, the main menu only shows the first two entries from the left WITHOUT the pull down sub menus. That makes navigation my site on mobile devices not possible! On my desktop pc the whole menu is showing.

I checked your demo site for cherry design on my iphone IN DESKTOP MODE, and your menu is displayed correctly. All entries.

Could you please check my site on a mobile device and tell me where my mistake is?

Thank you advance,
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GK User
Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:05 pm
hi, i have the same problem with party freak template nobody have a solution?
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GK User
Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:01 am
Hello Suport,
could you please give us a hint? Just spend 3 hours of trying out every option I can think of that has to do with the main menu (in template layout, mobile templates, extended menu turn of, deleting some main menu elements...). NOTHING WORKS.

Plese look at my site with your mobile device (I use iphone), and you'll see there are 3 menu items missing!

Thank you,
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Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:17 pm

I'm affrait we are also waiting for a specific fix to joomla to make it work :( Please change to default layout for mobile devices since we came up with a fix for that.
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GK User
Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:46 am
Tahnx for the reply.
I have my mobile layout at the default setting. Since the beginning. Thats what bugs me :-(
What fix? Do you mean the updates to the template? Does the 1.2 or 1.6 update fix this? Can I use the latest (1.6) update with my joomla 1.6 installation? Because in your download it says the latest update is for joomla 1.7????!!!!
Is that the fix????????????????????
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GK User
Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:13 am
Ok, I just did the latest update 1.6 (using joomla 1.6). But this doesn't change anything for the mobile phone version of the main menu, even if this is set to default! Only to menu items are displayed!! Still need help please!
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Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:20 pm

This fix is not available yet. We are still waiting.
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GK User
Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:36 pm
I have the same problem with my menu, although my entire site doesn't show up properly either. I've tried switching to the iPhone setting also, but that doesn't seem to change anything.

I'd take either...either the default work properly or the iPhone work at all. :whistle:
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GK User
Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:02 am
Yep same problem here.
Im using postit on Joomla 1.7 and because the iPhone version still doesnt switch to desktop on an iPhone (after update to v2.0) i tried changing the settings for iPhone to default (desktop version) until there is a fix but the main menu doesnt display correctly in this mode either. I can't afford to spend any more time on this but i also cant launch the site until its fixed so a fix for this would be much appreciated.

My test site is at

PS. I have tried using various combinations of reset css/chrome frame on|off / selectivizr on|off / IE6 bar on|off / etc to see if anything affects it but nothing makes any positive difference.
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