All links return "Component not found - 404 Error"!

GK User
Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:26 pm
Hi there,

I just installed the PenguinMail J1.5 quickstart template and for some reason that I can't figure out I get redirected to a COMPONENT NOT FOUND 404 Error page, the URL in the browser looks correct so I am stuck...

I did have SE Friendly URLS enabled but that didnt seem to make a difference, I also had enable the Apache Re-write option enabled, then disabled it thinking that it was causing the problem...

I just don't know...

I did install the latest version of RSFirewall and RSForms Pro and I don't know if that would make any difference, do the template files within the theme folder need to have certain permissions set? All green inside the permissions area...

Any ideas?

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GK User
Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:28 pm
An hour later..... Fixed!

Stoopid SEF URL's enabled caused the problem!

What's up with that?


Now I need to find out why the SEF URL's mod isn't working with this theme...

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GK User
Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:35 pm
Ok...solved the SEF issue...

I enabled SEF after disabling it and enabled the Mod re-write and it is working 100%

I hope this info helps other noobs get through this basic phase of setting up a Joomla template.. :woohoo:
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GK User
Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:38 pm
Oh, one other thing that I did was deleted the .htaccess file and renamed the htaccess.txt file in the root of my joomla install directory to .htaccess, I think that could have been the issue that was causing all of the above problems ...

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GK User
Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:17 pm
im pretty sure the .htaccess was the error. it's a common mistake in joomla when playing with seo
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Platinum Boarder

Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:21 am

I was always wondering why this file hasn't already come with name ".htaccess". Than I bought a Mac and I saw... mean not saw ;/ Ok. Nevermind :D
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