small Virtuemart issue with template

GK User
Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:23 pm
Hi all, any help would be much appreciated. Basically I installed the basic virtuemart and just want to sell 1 item - nothing fancy here to be honest about it. However there seems to be some conflict between the custom css buttons in this template and the up and down arrows of virtuemart on this product page: ... s/buy.html

If you look at the above link and then look to the left of the "Add to Cart" button you will see that the standard up and down arrows of virtuemart are missing - even though they are in the css the style of the gavick template seems to override them? Any help on solving this - I just want the up and down arrows to show? :blush:
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Gold Boarder

Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:26 am

I've found a css code for arrows, but it looks like there is no images because the path is wrong.

Code: Select all

Please check VM configuration if right path was given.
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GK User
Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:41 am
Thanks for pointing this out - I will look for the images and see if I can make sure there in right place
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Gold Boarder
