Image Slide Show

Easily add amazing slideshow to your Joomla website with free Image Show module and manage them using slide manager
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GK User
Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:39 pm

Anyone able to advise how to customise this?

I am trying to make a responsive image slider and can create different slides but cant seem to get the images the correct size or to "fill" the module position.

This may make it easier to understand:

Any help is more than welcome!
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Junior Boarder

Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:39 pm

Sorry but our slider is not responsive. You should use a different module which has such function.
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GK User
Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:45 pm
Okay, I'll re-phrase, It seems to already be responsive because it adjusts to display correctly on both my desktop, tablet and mobile.

The problem I have, If you look at the picture of the car, its half way down the module position.
I found some code from another topic which I used to get rid of the text but I need to adjust the image now to fit the module. It's this image / module position I can't seem to figure out how to change.

Any suggestions on what CSS / Module options need to be altered?
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Junior Boarder

Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:43 pm

Ok. I guess this style is responsive after all :)

All I can see about height is a css code placed inside the module set to 1000px. I think it should be set in module configuration, but You can also try to overwrite it with css:

Code: Select all
#gkIs-gk-is-584, #gkIs-gk-is-584 .gkIsImage {
    height: 715px !important;
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