It is because in general you could not nest shortcodes inside another shortcode.
But you might try this solution... Please edit file:
find this section:
- Code: Select all
function gavern_ts_columns($atts, $content) {
// get the optional width value
extract(shortcode_atts( array('width' => ''), $atts));
// get the columns
preg_match_all( '@\[column\](.*?)\[/column\]@mis', $content, $columns);
$output = '';
if(isset($columns[1])) {
if($width != '') $width = explode(',', $width);
// generate output
$output = "<div class=\"gk-columns\" data-column-count=\"" . count($columns[1]) . "\">\n";
// generate the list items
if(count($columns[1])) {
// iterator
$iter = 0;
foreach($columns[1] as $column) {
if($width == '') {
$output .= "<div>" . $column . "</div>\n";
} else {
$output .= "<div style=\"width: ".$width[$iter]."%;\">" . $column . "</div>\n";
// close the list
$output .="\n</div>";
return $output;
and modify line:
- Code: Select all
preg_match_all( '@\[column\](.*?)\[/column\]@mis', $content, $columns);
so it looks this way:
- Code: Select all
preg_match_all( '@\[column\](.*?)\[/column\]@mis', do_shortcode($content), $columns);
Please write back if it will work.