Switching Menus

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GK User
Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:43 pm
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I have two "main" menus on my site in the "menu" position - one for the Front page ("Main Menu") and one for all other pages ("Subpages Menu"). I can get each to work separately, but I have not been able to coordinate both working properly on the intended pages. Is there documentation or a checklist that I could follow to get this figured out. The site is "MillburnGuides.com". I have adjusted the "star" home page, in the menu manager, all that I can think of in the Module Menu area, as well as creating two templates for the site in the Templates manager "Creativity - Frontpage" and "Creativity - Subpages". Whatever combinations I have tried have not produced the desired results.

Thanks in advance for your help!
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Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:08 am
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The idea of use two menu is set one template but home page with one menu set via Menu settings in template and for other pages assign another template with different menu. This should work without any problems. Please only make sure that in Menu settings in both templates you select different ones.
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Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:55 pm
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I have tried to follow those instructions – however I am still not getting the desired results. For reference, my website is www.MillburnGuides.com.

In the “Creativity - Subpages” Template (Default – All) I have set the following MENU SETTINGS:
- Show template menu: ON
- Choose Menu: “Main Menu” (Main menu has menu items: OVERVIEW, KNOW, ABOUT, CHARACTER, MORE)
- End item level: -1
- Menu animation: Slide & Fade
- Menu height and width animation both set to: ON
- Menu column width: 220
- Menu animation speed: 250

I have also set, under FEATURES, Suffixes for pages to Item IDs: “101- onepage” “301- onepage”. 101 is menu item idea for “HOME” page (not published) and 301 is menu item idea for “OVERVIEW” page (published).

In the “Creativity - Frontpage” Template (Default – No) I have set the following MENU SETTINGS:
- Show template menu: ON
- Choose Menu: “Subpages Menu” (Main menu has menu items: HOME (not published), BLOG, TOWN, DINING, REALTY, GUIDES – most with submenus )
- End item level: -1
- Menu animation: Slide & Fade
- Menu height and width animation both set to: ON
- Menu column width: 220
- Menu animation speed: 250

Exactly like the prior template: I have also set, under FEATURES, Suffixes for pages to Item IDs: “101- onepage” “301- onepage”. 101 is menu item idea for “HOME” page (not published) and 301 is menu item idea for “OVERVIEW” page (published).

The menu module for each is set to position: “menu”.

Menu assignments for “Main Menu” are all menu items under Main Menu. Basic Options: Select Menu is set to “Main Menu”. Advanced Options completed are Alternative Layout: Default, Caching: Use Global, Cache Time: 900. Module Title Links (GavickPro) Enable Module Title Link: No and Module Title Address: BLANK.

Menu assignments for “Subpages Menu” are all menu items under Subpages Menu and Footer Menu. Basic Options: Select Menu is set to “Main Menu”. Advanced Options completed are Alternative Layout: Default, Caching: Use Global, Cache Time: 900. Module Title Links (GavickPro) Enable Module Title Link: No and Module Title Address: BLANK.

I am hoping you can help me figure this out. Thanks.
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Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:05 pm
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Corrected version - please ignore last post.

I have tried to follow those instructions – however I am still not getting the desired results. For reference, my website is http://www.MillburnGuides.com.

In the “Creativity - Frontpage” Template (Default – All) I have set the following MENU SETTINGS:
- Show template menu: ON
- Choose Menu: “Main Menu” (Main menu has menu items: OVERVIEW, KNOW, ABOUT, CHARACTER, MORE)
- End item level: -1
- Menu animation: Slide & Fade
- Menu height and width animation both set to: ON
- Menu column width: 220
- Menu animation speed: 250

I have also set, under FEATURES, Suffixes for pages to Item IDs: “101- onepage” “301- onepage”. 101 is menu item idea for “HOME” page (not published) and 301 is menu item idea for “OVERVIEW” page (published).

In the “Creativity - Subpages” Template (Default – No) I have set the following MENU SETTINGS:
- Show template menu: ON
- Choose Menu: “Subpages Menu” (Main menu has menu items: HOME (not published), BLOG, TOWN, DINING, REALTY, GUIDES – most with submenus )
- End item level: -1
- Menu animation: Slide & Fade
- Menu height and width animation both set to: ON
- Menu column width: 220
- Menu animation speed: 250

Exactly like the prior template: I have also set, under FEATURES, Suffixes for pages to Item IDs: “101- onepage” “301- onepage”. 101 is menu item idea for “HOME” page (not published) and 301 is menu item idea for “OVERVIEW” page (published).

The menu module for each is set to position: “menu”.

Menu assignments for “Main Menu” are all menu items under Main Menu. Basic Options: Select Menu is set to “Main Menu”. Advanced Options completed are Alternative Layout: Default, Caching: Use Global, Cache Time: 900. Module Title Links (GavickPro) Enable Module Title Link: No and Module Title Address: BLANK.

Menu assignments for “Subpages Menu” are all menu items under Subpages Menu and Footer Menu. Basic Options: Select Menu is set to “Main Menu”. Advanced Options completed are Alternative Layout: Default, Caching: Use Global, Cache Time: 900. Module Title Links (GavickPro) Enable Module Title Link: No and Module Title Address: BLANK.

I am hoping you can help me figure this out. Thanks.
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Fresh Boarder

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Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:16 am
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All looks fine but please check where this templates are assigned, subpages should be assign to all menu items except the the 'home' and the frontpage only for home menu item.
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