VM crash when change language

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GK User
Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:20 am
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when i change from english to spanish in my joomla backend, some products and categories dissappears from fronted.
and VM shows an error message:
vmError: exeSortSearchListQuery Table 'cnitpsic_elenazurita.elena_virtuemart_products_es_es' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS l.`virtuemart_product_id` FROM `elena_virtuemart_products_es_es` as l JOIN `elena_virtuemart_products` AS p using (`virtuemart_product_id`) LEFT JOIN `elena_virtuemart_product_categories` as pc ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_product_id` LEFT JOIN `elena_virtuemart_categories_es_es` as c ON c.`virtuemart_category_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` WHERE ( `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` = 7) group by p.`virtuemart_product_id` ORDER BY p.`created_on` DESC LIMIT 0, 20

any solution?
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Senior Boarder

Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:51 am
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Looks like You have no tables in database for spanish names of products. It happens when You install language packages before VM. Please just reinstall VM. Should fix the problem.
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