Has Anyone Integrated EasySocial with Gavick Templates?

December '13 Joomla Template
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GK User
Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:24 am
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I read in one of your old topics here that you were working on EasySocial last year and then you stopped it since they changed their css fw. Now it is confirmed that EasySocial is going to be using Bootstrap 3. So my questions are:

1) Are you working on EasySocial for Gavick templates?

2) When would something like this be available?

3) Has anyone integrated EasySocial with the Game template?
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GK User
Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:31 am
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Right now we only support EasyBlog in few our templates and don't have plans right now to release EasySocial support because all our social templates support JomSocial extension. EasySocial include own styles so all should be working fine with possible few adjustments.
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GK User
Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:19 am
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Thanks for that bkrztuk.

EasySocial include own styles so all should be working fine with possible few adjustments.

Thats right. Adjustments will surely be needed since there will be conflicts with the template css as soon as the bootstrap 3 is added. Thats what I dont like about it too much. Since the GK template doesnt use (or need) BS3, I need to add this BS just for the sake of Easysocial which is like an extra 100k of download. And a lot of fixes are needed since there are a few conflicts with the template css. :(

Might have been easier if gk used BS or if there was an option to add BS from gk templates settings itself where the template styles dont conflict with boostrap. Now-a-days a lot of Joomla extensions use boostrap and it gets a bit hard (and a lot of extra work) to integrate when the template doesnt use BS.
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Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:00 pm
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I found a bit more info from EasySocial and I thought I'll update the thread here. With ES, the css and js are packed together (like bkrztuk said) so the Boostrap will be added even if the template already has one. So in this case, I am glad gk template doesnt use Bootstrap. Less bloat and I dont need to load it twice.

I just hope that there are no conflicts between EasySocial and gk game template. Hopefully they are easily fixable. :)
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GK User
Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:14 am
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Yes and you shouldn't have any problem because template don't use Boostrap so you will get only EasySocial styles without overrides for bootstrap default elements.
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