Help with site setup

Joomla webshop template with CSS3-based animations, VirtueMart support and one-page checkout.
GK User
Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:40 am

I wasn't able to set up this site using the quickstrat even after following the fix-it post, but that's been OK as I;ve enjoyed setting up the site manually.

I have a couple of questions though as the documentation you have here: ... iguration/ doesn't include any information on the setup of the menu's. e,g, you list a module 'topnav' that references a menu 'topnav' ("Orders List | My Account | Checkout") that there are no details on the menu setup.

I set up a menu with links pointing to the HikaShop components that I asusmed they related to ("Order | User | Checkout") but they dont interact the same way as the example site. i.e. The 'My Account" link doesn't open in a pop up.

I'm also having a problem with the shopping cart module that when clicked, I get the spining wait icon, but it never stops and the cart doesn't pop up either.

Do you have any details on the menu configurations I could please see? And could someone please help with the two items mentioned above that aren't apearing as a pop up / isnt working?

The test site is

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:10 am
Sorry - typo on the link, should be:

And as is always the way - I just found the class for the login popup (gkLogin) - the cart seems to be opening a window now as well, but I dont know what the css should be for it? Also, how do I get the item and price of the cart to show as per the example?

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sun Jul 13, 2014 4:01 am
Another question: the documentation for the Hika Shop category config here: ... -template/ shows the setting fro the product - not the category.

Also, the link on setting up the display tab on that same page, shows the config screen for the checkout (i.e. you're showing the checkout screen twice)

Do you have updated screens for those - I'm realy strugling getting my menu system to look like your sampel site so would really apreciate some help :)

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sun Jul 13, 2014 5:05 am
Sorry - one more question - Search?

Your doucmentation refers to VM Search, so I've assumed to use Joomla Search - but there isn't a 'Search' postion in GK_Storefront ???

Is there something additonal I need to do to get this module position?

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Fresh Boarder
