Stockable custom fields destroys CSS

GK User
Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:36 pm

I have a problem with the set up of a new webshop based on the storefront template. I have a Clothing shop and therefore my articles need to be available in different sizes and naturally I have different stocks for them. Therefore I tried to set up a custom field "sizes" which worked good far, but then I realised that it screws up the beautiful storefront CSS. Here is an article with child products with different sizes: ... cap-detail

How can I change it back, so that for example the quantity controls are visible and better placed. And also how can i show the "Price: No addition charge" a little bit nicer? For example just behind the sizes field? And why does it show the title "Size" even though I choose not to show the title when I created the custom field?

And another question. Do you know if I can show the Current Stock Level for the respective child product and not the parent product? That would be great.

I'm sorry for bothering you will all this questions. Thank you very much for your efforts and best regards

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:29 am

I think I found a solution myself. Instead of using a plugin custom field I use a generic custom field and my result now is:

Here the CSS is nice. The right quantity is shown and also a notify me button if the stock is zero. But I can't really have it as an attribut. I can only add the Size in the name of the child product, and I'm not sure if all the customers get that...

So the other option with the plugin custom field does have its advantages. Here would be an article with the plugin custom field.

Here you can see the CSS is destroyed and also the quantity doesn't change, when you change the sizes. But the notify me box appears, if there is no shirt on stock in the right size (XS).

What do you think? Is it possible to change the CSS here and also that it shows the right quantity? Or do you have an idea, how the generic custom field choses by an additional attribut size?

Thanks a lot for your efforts
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:53 pm
I think I'll go with the stockable plugin version, but does anyone have an idea how to change the CSS back to looking normal. Here would be the screw up version: ... ter-detail

Thanks a lot for your efforts!
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:40 pm

Please add this to override.css and make sure override in template settings is enabled:

Code: Select all
.product-field-type-E > div {
padding: 5px 0;

.product-field-type-E > div > div span {
vartical-align: middle !important;
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