How to reproduce Storefront template demo ?

GK User
Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:15 pm
I bought and install Storefront on a fresh new Joomla 2,5, activated the template and install modules and plugins but I can't display a full slider as you did on the demo with fading text on it.
What have you used to do so ?
I've installed and published mod_image_show_gk4_J!25 but can't display anything as you did.

Some help would be precious.
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Sun Aug 31, 2014 11:25 am
If this is a fresh site, better use quickstart as it has all demo content and modules configuration ootb.
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GK User
Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:43 pm
I'd try that idea but the problem is that the joomla in your quickstart is in English (not French as I need)
and your version needs to be updated (now the 2,5 version is 2.5.24)

Whatever I succeed in displaying the slide on the frontpage with Image Show GK4ver. 1.46 (module style : gk-front)
but no way to display images at the right size : they are automatically expanded
is there a way to have that slider in width and height so that my images are not distorted ?
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Mon Sep 01, 2014 6:38 pm
You can upload joomla translation files and change language to French without any problems. Still it is going to be much easier than going through configuration and finding the error source.
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GK User
Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:55 pm
I'll do that way
1 : upload quickstart at the root of the website
2 : upload French language and change default language configuration
3 : make Joomla upgrade
is that the right process to have frontage slides resizing working ?
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:46 pm
I just reuploaded the entire website using Quickstart
but no way to resize that boring gk_storefront ! I loose my mind.
my images for frontpage slider are 680/400 pixels
whatever I use for Module height - desktop
or Image width / Image height, they are always streched and croped (see attached)
I tried slides No Stretch / Stretch, it doesn't change anything.

how can I reduce that slide dimensions ? pleaaaase !
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:26 pm
Could you please post an url to your site - to a sample page where the change should be made?
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GK User
Fri Sep 05, 2014 1:57 pm
Sorry I can't
I use a private host servor and the dns are not public, I manage the website using "sudo nano /private/etc/hosts" with Terminal (Mac)
To find a quick soution, I finally don't use Image Show GK but DJ Image Slider
I can then set width and height for my frontpage slider.
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:55 am
Without access to a live site I can't help much.
Please write back as soon as the site will be available somewhere live.
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GK User
Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:04 pm
This is the temporary live site
As I said, I replaced Image show GK with DJ image slider till I find how to reduce GK slider size.

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Gold Boarder

GK User
Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:05 pm
If you have disabled IS how could I check why it is using wrong images? I need to see a live site with the problem visible ;).
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GK User
Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:20 pm
sorry, for the stupidity. I needed a quick fix for the customer, so I decided to disable IS
I uploaded the new IS (upgrade) and then it takes into account the slide size.
so you can edit my post to mark it as solved
Un upgrade solved the bug.
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Thu Sep 11, 2014 4:04 pm
Ok, I'm glad you could solve it by yourself.
If you will have any other questions, feel free to post new forum threads.
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GK User
Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:33 am
Ok, fine
I had another problem with Virtuemart short-description display and resolved it by myself (I was very nervous about that issue because our customer was really hungry. I had nos answers after several days)
short-description lines are curiously missing in templates/gk_storefront/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/default.php
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:30 pm
Our designers sometimes decide to remove some parts of standard vm template layout. Thats why it was not there.
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