Mobile menu, android

Well-designed restaurant Joomla template with parallax effect.
GK User
Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:07 pm

I have an issue with the mobile menu.

When i click under and left of the menubutton i get a slide in from the right. Its an empty box with a orange cross in upperright. How do i diable that slide in?

Vertical view on android:

When i click the menu button i get the menu sliding in BUT it disappear fast. How do i fix that ?
template version 3.12

Greetings Soren
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Fresh Boarder

Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:45 am

Menu was designed this way for template so I'm afraid it cannot be change without some external modifications.
Can you show me a screenshot of the issue You have, so I'll try to fix it at least. It shows ok on my mobile devices.
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