Problem updated

Well-designed restaurant Joomla template with parallax effect.
GK User
Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:43 pm
Problems: :(
1 - I updated joomla 3, and assign the menus in modules, gone mad. As you can see in the attachment. (assign menu) Now when I choose clear just those appearing usually unmarked. Those who are not crooked unmarked.
2 - Another thing is that although I have uninstalled K2, K2 modules, has the k2 deleted the link in the menu, they keep popping up when I edit the modules. I have also cleared all caches. See also the attachment. (assign menu)
3 - I edited the language of reserves, but where do I change the calendar? He keeps appearing in English (even the whole site being configured to Portuguese of Brazil and also with content created in Portuguese). Where do I set the timing of bookings for Portuguese of Brazil? See in the attachment (reservation calendar language).
4 - How to redirect to a thank you message from sending the reservation instead of the small message appear there in the header?
5 - I enabled the usermenu module and it does not appear at all. Logging or as registered (as instructed by the forum). Still not working.
How to solve it all?
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GK User
Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:16 pm
There's one more problem.
When I reduce the site (see the mobile phone) once the whole pie is getting to the right. How do I fix this?
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Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:14 am

1. Try clearing cache of browser. I think this issue happens when old joomla files are loaded.
2. In menu manager please select all elements and hit rebuild button
3. Please show me where I can see this calendar on a live site.
4. I'm afraid this will not be possible without some modifications to code, but please send me an access to ftp and I'll try.
5. I will need to check, so need an access to joomla panel.

When I'll have an url to Your site than I will be able to help with background as well.
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GK User
Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:56 pm
1. Try clearing cache of browser. I think this issue happens When old joomla files are loaded.
2. In menu manager please select all elements and rebuild hit button
I tried everything and it did not work, but I decided since deleting directly in the database. Although I had uninstalled K2, K2 from various parts look like they were not deleted properly. But I took everything directly in the database.

3. Please show me where I can see this calendar on the live site. - The calendar is appearing in English and I need it to appear in Portuguese.

4. I​​'m afraid this will not be possible without some Modifications to code, but please send me an access to ftp and I'll try.
How to send access without being here in the forum, because here it would not be safe to send ftp and password.

5. I will need to check, so need an access panel to joomla.
Already decided.

6. I have another problem. How do I get the 404 page work? Are going to the home page with the message: Component not found.

When I'll have an url to Your site than I will be able to help with background as well.

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Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:23 pm

3. Please look into /js/kalendae.js file in template. Around line 1465 You will find this line:

Code: Select all
        _months : "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"),

try translate it there with the same format.

You can use my mail address from footer of my every page or forum's PM system to send access to ftp and joomla panel.
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GK User
Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:21 pm
Thanks for the feedback. Worked properly.
However do not understand why a template that is multilanguage have parts that are translated into the code. This is wrong. All parts of the template that can be translated should have tags and remain outside language codes.
This is the first time you use the template and found some errors like this that should be fixed, because a customer should not tinker with the code and the translation should be simple.
Also do not understand parts of the site that have icons and show problems with the editor and every time you need to modify I disable the editor. It is also not right.
Missed the answer on page 404 ...
Looking forward, thank you,
Marcia Taruma
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GK User
Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:56 pm
Also missed the point of the logo when I minimize the site and it's going right ... How to fix this?
Thank you.
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Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:00 pm

I agree the names of the months is a mistake from our side and I'll report this to programmers right away.

Our templates are using HTML5 since it's a new standard. Unfortunately joomla editor is still not recognising it's code correctly and removes it. This is not something we can fix. Everyone is waiting for TinyMCE to get updated.

I think 404 error problem may be comming from server. Template has a file error.php which support such issues, so if this is not showing than something else takes over I guess. Send me an access to joomla panel and ftp. I'll check htacces and sef links settings.

Och, You mean big logo on frontpage. Try add this to override.css:

Code: Select all
#gkLogo.cssLogo {
    height: 100px;
    width: 100%;
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Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:47 am

Exactly as I thought. 404 page was handled by server. I've removed "404.shtml" file and renamed htaccess.txt to .htaccess so now template 404 page is in use.
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GK User
Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:02 pm
Hi, thanks!
The 404 page is working, thank you very much, but it is in English. How do I translate there?
Thanks & Regards,
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Fri Oct 31, 2014 4:51 pm

In template language file You will find all the sentences visible in Error page. Make a copy of this file, rename the suffix to a correct language and upload to a proper folder in root joomla /language folder. Than You can translate it.
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