Using "portfolio" presentation

GK User
Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:53 am
I am currently completing a site using GK Steakhouse. I love its design and parallax feature.

I also love the portfolio theme style of Writer too though and was very excited to see it because I have been struggling to build a similar gallery on a page within Steakhouse.

How do you think I can best achieve implementing a "portfolio of" k2 items/galleries within Steakhouse? Should I create a Writer subdomain or can I do it a more SEO friendly way?

Great job with Writer by the way!
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:17 am
From what I see portfolio on Writer uses NSP5 and its own styling (it is not overriten by template css'es) so it should be possible to implement this kind of layout in steakhouse by simply upgrading NSP5 and selecting proper layout.
What kind of issues do you have with it?
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