Change the to date format to American F j, Y

GK User
Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:20 pm
I have modified all the language file (especially k2) and even tried Language over ride in the admin end but nothing fixes my issue. Please see attached.

Any help is appreciated.

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GK User
Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:23 pm
Hi dude,
all people from EU asked us to change from American format to European and now reverse. hehe.

If we talk about K2 item view check here: templates\gk_writer\html\com_k2\templates\default\item.php

search for "l, j F Y" strings.
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GK User
Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:28 pm
If I may suggest something:
1) disable PDF icon - google sometimes index'ed it and for Google it means clone of article, and normal people do not use it.
2) disable Email icon - spammers robots uses it to send stupid links , I had a client who has got 20 emails per day because of this with super blue pills or If you want to have longer, Free tickets to .... offers. "Normal" people uses FB to spread info, not forms.
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