Latest Items of a category (2-Cols) - not working

GK User
Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:22 pm
Hello GavickPro-Team,

for a good overview I like to use the 2-cols list (see Demo; Latest Items 2-Cols).

The problem is that there is always just one column. What I ever tried to change - There is always just one col. If I use 2 cols in the options (or 3 or 5...) one side is white and the other half is showing the articles (items of K2). - Whats wrong here?

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Fresh Boarder

Sun Jun 26, 2016 4:09 pm

That's correct. Template is locked on one column to fill designer's idea, but please tell me the url to the page You need 2 columns and I'll try come up with a way to force it back.
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GK User
Sat Jul 02, 2016 4:32 pm
Its just on localhost at the moment.

The point is that it works fine (exact like the demo) if I choose two or more categories in the options. If I use only one category the right column is empty. Thats a miracle to me... I think its because every category got its own column, but I want to use 2 columns for 1 category... - possible? How? Enlight me :)

Result should be (like demo with one category):
Article 1 Category 1 - Article 2 Category 1
Article 3 Category 1 - Article 4 Category 1

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Fresh Boarder

Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:33 pm

Ach, ok. Now I understand. I'm afraid it's how K2 designed it and there is a separate column for each category in latest news layout, but as in my last post if You will show me such page than I'll figure out how to overwrite it. Please ignore it for now and get back to me when site will be online.
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GK User
Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:20 am
I use BOX template
The category not working, They pop up this messages
" Strict Standards: Declaration of K2Element::render() should be compatible with JFormField::render($layoutId, $data = Array) in /var/sites/s/ on line 25 "
I try to download and make new test site it have same problem.
please help
Thank you
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Jul 07, 2016 1:12 pm

@Cybernok I'm, sorry but it has nothing to do with original question of this thread. Also from the error message I can see it's a problem not related with our products. Please write about it to K2 support.

@psychology still waiting for the url to help with latest news layout.
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GK User
Tue Aug 23, 2016 9:15 am
We use box template but , when install done. I view the site link to error page
how to do link to normal homepage.
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:37 pm

Error 1146 is mysql error "Table doesn't exists". So it can happen on multiple occasions:

- database is outdated
- some component has failed to create tables in databse during installation
- a language table was not created (mostly happens with Virtuemart)
- sql query is using wrong table name

and many more. To help with this I would need to know what is the error exactly, becuase the table name it's displaying for will be mentioned there. Check Your error logs or enable showing errors on website.
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