Removing user name from articles

25 April, 2016
GK User
Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:48 pm
Screen Shot 2017-02-16 at 10.17.37.png
I would like to remove the line of copy that indicates which user has created an article page, for example on my website it reads 'By Super User'

I have added the following code to override.css:

.itemAuthor {
    display: none;

Although it removed the text, I have just realised that the 'pencil' icon my client is using for frontend editing of the site was also removed.

Is there anyway of removing just the text but keep the editing icon?
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:38 pm

Please send me to [email protected] an url to the page with example and some access so I'll be able to see this author and edit icon after login. I'll see what code has to be used.
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