Registered Content

Free responsive Joomla 2.5 and 3.x module to present your content with easy and intuitive way.
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GK User
Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:50 am
Why would NSP GK4 allow click through's to registered content viewable to public users. This is a major flaw that needs to be fixed. I'm using the Game News template with basically the default setup on Joomla 2.5.
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Junior Boarder

Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:14 pm

NSP is to show samples of articles. This is why it displays all of it, but to see whole article user needs to login into the site.
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GK User
Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:38 pm
I use NSP to show the title, first image and first 100 characters of a joomla article with registered access on my homepage. When a public user comes to the site and clicks through with NSP to an article they see the entire article even though it's access is registered and they are not logged in.

I have found that if I use the "Read More" button in the article I can only give public users a small preview but thats not what I want. When a public user clicks through to an article with registered access I want them to redirect to the login or registration page. How do I accomplish this?

Website in question:
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Junior Boarder

Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:52 pm

NSP is only giving a link, so redirection should be done by joomla. Please tell me where I can see this module linking to restricted area.
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GK User
Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:30 am
The articles listed under "Spring Previews" are all registered content on Note :: this section will soon change to "Recaps" which will also be registered content. If I didn't use the "Read More" link while creating the article you could link directly from the homepage to the full article.

Your last comment got me thinking and I think the problem may be specific to my setup because I use AEC Subscription Manager ( to control paying subscribers.

Do you have any ideas that may direct me to a fix?
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Junior Boarder

Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:03 pm

I can see that more than an introtext cannot be displayed. So I believe this is how it works. I'm not sure if I can help to make it work differently, sorry.
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GK User
Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:51 pm
I never solved the issue and the gavick devs did not seem to know the answer. I had to suffice with a workaround. Every article created must have a read more link in place to prevent the public from viewing registered content. I told all the authors how to use the read more link and suggested they put at least 1 or 2 sentences plus an image above the read more line.

I wish I had a better solution and hope to see this fixed in NSP GK4 updates.
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Junior Boarder

Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:38 pm

This is exactly how should it be solved :) I had a client lately who asked me about the same thing but with a different module than NSP and it worked the same way. But he wanted even this links to article be not visible to public, so all I've done was to set whole module be shown for registered only.
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