Ok, basically I have attached 2 images of my advertisements that arent fitting into the module correctly. Im using Icki Sports as you will see here - http://www.stockportinsider.com/
But I am also building other sites tonight using ICKI Sports so I need this fixing.
The advertisements as you see dont fit into the whole module, as you will see on 2 of the attatchements.
You will see that it is missing parts and words off the advertisements because it wont fit.
I am designing about 10 themes with different colours on, for different teams. As I am creating a football network called thefootballnetwork.org with teams like Manchester United,Chelsea,Russia etc. So I need this fixing! If possible.
I have a temperery blog in wordress and the ads fit 100% on there. - The image without no black border on is the wordpress ad.
I want the whole of the advert to fit the whole of the frame/module.
If I i give you login details to the backend would you be able to sort this?