July Template

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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:46 am
Hi Gavick Team,
My subscription is going to expire the 5th of August.As you have not yet released the template, can you please tell me how to extend subscription and get the July template?
Thanks in adv,
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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:16 am
hey celone, please write an email explaining this to [email protected]
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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:19 pm
First of all I want to apologize for the delay. We have include major changes to original concept of July template (and we have made also changes in T3 framework update) - that's why template will be released at 2 August. We include these changes because after our analyze we decided that original concept was good but not enought good to publish for our members. It is worth to wait few days more for this template - trust me. Information for users with ending subscriptions - every member who should got July template - please contact with [email protected] - as usual in situations like this subscription will be prolonged.
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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:44 pm
dziudek wrote:
First of all I want to apologize for the delay. We have include major changes to original concept of July template (and we have made also changes in T3 framework update) - that's why template will be released at 2 August. We include these changes because after our analyze we decided that original concept was good but not enought good to publish for our members. It is worth to wait few days more for this template - trust me. Information for users with ending subscriptions - every member who should got July template - please contact with [email protected] - as usual in situations like this subscription will be prolonged.

If it's already delayed, please consider adding JomSocial support.

The more I think about it, the more I think this would be perfect if it was a social networking site. Most gamer sites are community based.

Also, I still haven't heard anything about eshop updates?
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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:38 pm
If it's already delayed, please consider adding JomSocial support.

The more I think about it, the more I think this would be perfect if it was a social networking site. Most gamer sites are community based.

Yep. Would be great to have it socialized: even if it has to take more time!

Advice: would be cool to have a precise hour/time zone release date next time. That way, if your late, we will know that you are going to report it: instead of constantly refreshing Gavick.com for a week...

ps: Could we have another glimpse of the template, please! ;)
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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:17 pm
Gavick has ALWAYS ensured that templates released late, are available to those who's accounts have expired... I've not once seen anyone deserving of a template, not get it.

With that also said... I think its also a bit selfish of those who slam the daylights out of this site when they wind up a few days late on a template. I really would like to see some of those who send out that criticism try to build such robust templates in such a short amount of time, while also keeping up with the changes, upgrades, bug fixes, and support of previous templates.

Just in the past couple of months, Joomla has sent out several security patch releases which adds to the work to ensuring that those downloading old templates are already patched and within the new version, plus changes that effect the modules, plugins and components.

This is one of the BEST sites in terms of quality Joomla Templates... Although you have another site that releases religiously on the 1st of every month, comparing the quality to that site is like comparing Apples to Beef.

Be patient folks... Quality templates with integrated components that match the sites layout and design is FAR from an easy task.
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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:26 pm
On the notes about JomSocial Support:
It is really sad that this template do not support Jomsocial. Community support would be perfect for this kind of template.

Looking at the style samples of this new template, adding JomSocial Support yourself would probably very easy. There are plenty of JomSocial Templates that lend themselves to Dark Themes out there...

I've not found a SINGLE TEMPLATE on this site, (or just about any other template club) that doesn't lend itself to adding JomSocial Community to it.

Gavick takes great care to ensure that their templates are very versatile and allow for the most universal uses and have layouts and colorschemes that compliment most of the most popular componants out there. They may not include a custom theme for each of the possible templates, nor should they really have to. These templates are just foundations upon which you can quickly customize further to your own needs.
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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:46 pm
Although Its late for the new template. But its true that creating quality templates like gavick does are not so easy. It would be great if jomsocial theam is there but I dont think for anyone who know about joomla its relay hard for him to using jomsocial in any of gavicks templates. I think Gavick is the best commpany who are creating template for joomla. Lots of company are creating templates for joomla but if you see they can't give a final touch in their template. For something or somewhere those templates are not 100% from design at list. Now company like JOOMLART are trying to copy gavicks template :) . You can understand if you see their JA Onion and JA Rasite. Almost like GK memovie and GK quye. But I think gavicks previous templates are lot more clean then the current one. Those music templates. Nice colorful and clean. Hope they will do more great work in future...
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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:39 pm
Joomlart isn't trying to copy Gavick's Design Template.
They are using the same framework, and are probabily in business together ...
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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:03 pm
I peruse quite a large number of Joomla template websites out there, and have found that a number of designs are based (in part) on some popular design styles seen on many larger corporate websites. Because of this, you'll see a large number of similarities amongst some of the templates that are found on these websites.

I wouldn't say that anyone is trying to copy another clubs designs, rather than the designs themselves are "Look-A-Likes" of other large websites out there, and just happen to look similar in nature and function to each other. To jump the gun here and say that another club is copying another clubs templates, you must then consider the accusation that the clubs are copying the designs of major corporations out there in order to satisfy their own customers needs.

In an Open Source Community such as this, we need to share ideas and concepts to create a variety of products and designs in order for it to be successful. There are MANY clubs out there that work together, with some of their own design teams working in conjunction with other clubs to provide our community with a variety of designs and functionality. Not only does this help the community as a whole providing great designs, but it makes it easy for developers (like ourselves) to "mix and match" portions of each clubs designs to suit our individual needs and tastes.

I actually wish more clubs out there would work together === there are a few clubs who's templates just don't seem to compliment components and even other design styles when we want to just give our site a new look - making it very difficult to make a transition from one Template to another. Gavick.com and Joomlart.com are two sites who compliment each other in ways that many other clubs do not - don't knock them - praise these two together as clubs who developers should consider memberships as a "Must Have".

That's just my opinion on this little note...

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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:30 pm
Ya Dude its really a little note :) . I,m also agree with you. For the functionality and design this 2 club is best. Also Rocketheam . But I have little dissatisfaction about their design.

@ sheridan I dont think their is any relation in fremwork and design . It can be same in functionality .

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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:59 pm

I don't know why your moralizing clients that just wants to obtain they're payed services on time? After reading lots of post on the forum in different months: really think that anybody who works on Joomla knows how complicated it can be when creating uptodate templates & aren't that much mad at Gavick's developpers.

BUT, instead of reporting constantly the date of publication: they should just give themselves more time & put a second deadline further down the road. That way, people would stop annoying them & respect the imposed deadline.

The good part is that, at the end, Gavick's respects the payed plans by extending expired clients membership.

We love what they are doing & that's why we have payed to get in, but just don't like to be wasting time wondering when it will be finalized...

ps: As a goodie: would be cool to have more snapshot at the template! ;)
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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:40 pm

You've been here for just over a month... the most you could have paid so far for the 39 Templates and 10 Extensions currently available is $195US for one year, unlimited developer access... Personally - the fact that you've got at best 11 more templates that are coming your way, hardly seems right to complain about just because a template is a day or two late... You see where I'm coming from here?

What Gavick.Com REALLY needs to do is this... Stop even calling them "Monthly Releases" and just release when they feel the designs are ready. Set the subscriptions to All Previous plus "next 3", Next 6, and Next 12 - and if they release the next 12 in 2 years or 5 months, so be it... that'd certainly solve the issue wouldn't it?

Drop the idea of release dates, and that would solve the problem... I am involved with 3 other clubs that don't give dates, they just release templates as they release them... there is no set number that I'm expected to recieve, and if I get two or three in a single month - hey, great! - sometimes I don't see a new template for an extra month or two... but I'm certainly not basing my businesses success on whether or not I get the next template by a certain date.

Things happen... give them a break... especially if you haven't been here long enough to even enjoy a few extra templates as part of your subscription...

Again - my two cents... take it or leave it...

(ADDED NOTE: Gavick isn't the one wasting anyone's time... if they haven't released the template, and you are sitting here doing nothing but waiting, that's not the fault of Gavick... go outside, enjoy the summer air, go swimming, take the kids fishing... they'll usually send an announcement by email when the next template release hits production quality! LOL)
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Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:42 pm

I can tell that JomSocial determines the whole template. It's a lot more work than the usual template.
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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:04 pm

Primo: Yeah, I've been around here for less then a month, but what in hell would it mean: that I have less rights to complain than you do? I still pay the same 195$ bucks that you did...

Secundo: I never complained about not releasing the template, but that they say they will at a precise date(three times!) and don't deliver. Just complaining that I waisted time to see if it was out, cuz I don't know if it's the 27 in Poland/N-A/Japan or the 29 of any giving timezone! That's why I proposed to give out a timezone and hour of release. (that was my only complaint!)

By the way, when I registered at Gavick (because of there awesome templates & didn't want to get it on Scriptmafia like many other web designers), I didn't even know it was 1 per month/12 a year: thought it was randomly produced. So, I never though that, from the start, to get them at every month. BUT, since I'm waiting to develop a nice videogame website: I'm kind of excited to get a pro template for my game site!!

Anyway, really think that Gavick can defend themselves by they're own...lol

I'm not a hater: I love Gavick's work & continue the good hard work! (even if it takes more time...) ;)
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GK User
Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:31 pm
I'm not singling you out personally here, don't take it that I am... You'd be surprised though, how many people hop on here on the 1st of any given month and scream because that months template isn't available at 00hr GMT... I just find it totally useless to complain because - in the end - you get a quality template that really can't be beat...

What I'm saying here ikoos, is that people need to be patient. (Also - would you rather have gavic taking time out to respond to everyone screaming about timelines rather than finishing the work?) It's not as though we aren't getting what we paid for anyway... Whether you get it exactly at the time they stated, or a day later - you still get the template... right?

I agree - setting their own dates for release is rediculous - especially knowing that factors come into play during the development process... I really believe that they could put an end to all this by just not saying anything about when and what sort of template they are releasing next - and just release them as they get them finished... but then again, you'd still have people unhappy with whatever they decide to do... (The nature of the game to say the least)...

As for scriptmafia - developers using them, are not doing the industry and advancement of these great products any justice... I have no respect for developers who don't actually pay for the products that they use... (Just my personal opinion on that note! LOL)

I'm looking forward to the new Gamer Template just as you are... I don't have a specific site in mind for it, but the overall design might just fit into one of the many projects I have on my plate right now as well... However, with that said, I probably SHOULD get back to work on one of those projects right now rather wasting time waiting on Gavick's next release... there is ALWAYS work to do - with ANY website... and waiting is getting NOTHING accomplished...

LOL --- Laterz!
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GK User
Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:58 am
My apologies for making the task seem simple, I was thinking that it would just be a matter of bringing up gk_style from Party Freak and adjusting the CSS to match what you've already done (including custom graphics). Bring in the modules (which can have css class applied) and package the whole thing with the Gavick touch.

The JomSocial and Virtuemart templates are Gavick's best IMO. Definitely need more of both, and the gaming (again) would have been perfect.

I'm a patient guy when it comes to these templates. I don't usually care about the themes (movie, corporate, blog) the way I care about the structure. I will customize these to a point where they are barely recognizable. But a game site... oooo .... that sounds like one that's going to be just right - out of the box! Something for myself to play with. I've always wanted a quality gaming site.

The problem is with the audience. Gamers. They don't care what one person has to say about a game.

They just want to hear themselves say what they think. They want to argue about who got pwnd the night before... Which gun on MW2 is the best... Why Halo Reach is for n00bs. They want to share screen shots and video of knife throws, killionaires and shutouts. They want to set appointments and meet up with clan members before and after games.

I can always install JS and adjust the CSS, but it will definitely look patched if I do it. Plus, as you suggest, there is likely much more to it than I am considering.

So, I guess I'm just expressing my regret toward the lack of JomSocial.
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GK User
Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:14 am
I regret this forum is not in french because i would have said many many things. As my english is poor, i will just say few words!!!

I am a new joomla user. Last year I suscribed for Rocket and Gavick. I compared the templates and no way, Gavck's ones are much more professional, andsome...
But I can not understand why so many delays (I know that it takes time to write a template). If I compare with Rocket, they have rarely been delayed. For example, Rocket has issued his August template today, as Gavick has overpassed June template, and has not yet issued his July template!!!

Robert, don't worry, I have unsuscribed at Rocket, I will cotinue renewing my business suscribtion with you.
But as I have paid , I think i can be complainig when you postpone publication date because it waste of time wondering if or if not.

Thanks for taking time to read this , please finish the June(?) or July (?) template ;)

Best regards
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GK User
Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:31 am
Everyone needs a chill pill...

I think Gavick will have all of you impressed and I'm sure it will be worth the wait! Hopefully they have taken a look at RocketThemes "Zephry" gaming theme that just came out & will blow it away! :woohoo:

Until next time!

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GK User
Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:50 am
Im with CJ57 on this - lets all just get along:) a few cold beers me thinks:)
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GK User
Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:54 am
@[email protected]

june template is out. thats the postnote :)
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GK User
Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:10 pm
Where is it ?
it is 9h09 PM, and no news, no demo ...
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GK User
Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:23 pm
All you need ist just a little patience.....*sing*

For me quality is very important. It doesn't matter if there is a slight delay.
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GK User
Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:48 pm
Even to me quality is important and then at the end of the day i do not need the new template because am using and optimizing an old one (mystore)
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:50 am
Gamebox template is available on http://demo.gavick.com. At 3 August we'll release the source files. Additionaly to 6 August we'll add a JomSocial support for this template.
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:55 am
Awesome! Nice work!
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:55 am
dziudek wrote:
Gamebox template is available on http://demo.gavick.com. At 3 July we'll release source files. Additionaly to 6 July we'll add a JomSocial support to this template.

So we got to wait til July of 2011 for Source Files? LOL
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:58 am
My apologize ;) Of course I want to wrote 3/6 August ;) I'm a little bit tired ;)
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:59 am
dziudek wrote:
Additionaly to 6 July we'll add a JomSocial support to this template.

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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:13 am
no light theme ?
just the dark theme ...
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:14 am
light color is wanted.
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:32 am
please, it will be nice to propose it to your customers
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:39 am
a little bit tired? hehehe ? looks good m8...
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:02 am
what is looking good ?
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:05 am
I'm confused... the last two themes were light, were they not? Also, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only person here who knows CSS?
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:28 am
Maybe all templates should have light and dark colors to choose basically.
not only one layout color to use.Or have a layout color switch function appended.

Hope Robert of GK can hear our voice.
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:32 am
Light theme for this template would be great, but probably this won't happen. I'm agree with maskego. The best choice should be only 1 color and light/dark theme.

P.S.: GREAT TEMPLATE!!!!!! Can't wait to see Jomsocial support for this template.

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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:54 pm
GenoPeppino wrote:
I'm confused... the last two themes were light, were they not? Also, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only person here who knows CSS?

I'm relieved to know that I'm not the only one... (Don't worry... there are now at least two here who know CSS Geno!)

Dark/Light - the idea here is that you customize yourself, it shouldn't be the responsibility of Gavick to be doing all the work here... LOL
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:57 pm
Template is good but there is no light theme and it will never happen, whereas what i can request like RT is offering so many color presets minimum 12 with color chooser at least Gavick has given us the light theme what so many of us r requesting. Also i would like to request to Gavick to release the Bonus Template if possible RT has given 2 XTC has given 1 but there is no from the Gavick Team.
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GK User
Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:16 pm
I think one of the reasons why RT is able to spend more time playing with CSS instead of actually designing great templates is that they seem to be churning out websites with the same identical base framework, just packageing it with different graphical elements in the backend. Unlike Gavick, who's templates are DRASTICALLY different from template to the next...

This is one of the reasons why I lilke Gavick... so - I'm begging - don't go that route and make all your templates based on the same wireframe here... Keep up what you are doing, and don't change the way you do things... I dumped RT because all of their templates pretty much look the same...

As for the Bonus Templates... I personally don't feel that Gavick needs to... It's a "gift"... it shouldn't be expected by the users... asking for bonus templates should delay a bonus release, so that when it actually does show up in fact, its a surprise bonus for everyone! (My opinion again... I know most of you here think I should be paying the 2 1/2 cents every time I open my mouth, but I don't have it... I've got some coffee and cheesecake though I can share! LOL)

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