GavickPro Documentation

GavernWP WordPress framework: Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings section contains settings associated with advanced Gavern WP framework settings (custom fields, metatags, CSS files and output etc.). These options include:

  1. Custom fields – Activates custom fields used to display additional information in the post.
  2. Hidden Custom Post Fields – Allows you to specify a list of the Custom Post Fields which will be always hidden. The fields names should be separated by comma, for example, hidden1,hidden2,hidden3.
  3. Custom Post Fields label mapping – Since updated version of framework, custom fields option will be disabled by default, additionally we added new option connected with these fields. Generally custom fields names are not aesthetic, contains shortcuts, numbers but some users want to use it and now they can change easily custom fields labels.

  4. Use Prefixfree script – Allows to use script that lets you use only unprefixed CSS properties everywhere. It works behind the scenes, adding the current browser’s prefix to any CSS code, only when it’s needed. This solution are supported by IE9+, Opera 10+, Firefox 20+, Safari 4+ and Chrome on desktop and Mobile Safari, Android browser, Chrome and Opera Mobile.
  5. Parse emoticons in the text widgets – Activates parsing of emotions to a graphic form within widgets.
  6. Parse shortcodes in the text widgets – Activates parsing of Shortcodes within widgets.
  7. Value for the $content_width variable – The $content_width variable represents the width of thumbnail images to be used for posts. We recommend setting this value to no larger than the Web page’s maximum width.

  8. Excerpt length (in words) – It specify the value of the excerpt length used in the posts, the length is specified in words.
  9. Use the override.css file – This powerful setting, when enabled, forces an override.css file to appear at the end of the list of CSS files and will allow Web administrators to easily overwrite the template’s CSS rules without creating conflicts with existing CSS code.
  10. Custom RSS feed URL – It allows you specify the custom RSS feed URL if you’re using services like Feedburner.
  11. Cache manifest filename – It allows you specify the cache manifest filename if you need. This file should be located in the root of your WordPress installation.
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