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GavernWP Quick Tip #1 – Create a Gallery in a Few Simple Steps

The GavickPro GavernWP framework features a built-in subpage type which may be used to display simple image galleries in the form of a slideshow, as in above example.

To create your own gallery, simply follow these steps:

  1. Create a subpage which implements a Gallery template page:

  2. Add images with Media Manager:

  3. Referring to the sample form below, note that:
    1. Title is displayed as a slide title,
    2. Description text is displayed as slide main content, and
    3. Caption text is displayed as slide signature.

  4. Assign images to a newly-created gallery subpage:

And that’s all there is to it!!! As you can see, it takes only a few minutes to achieve an effective image gallery using the powerful GavernWP framework. Additionally, the look of your gallery can be changed by customizing the css/template/gallery.css file.

Feel free to check this tip with our free WordPress Theme – Meet GavernWP.

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