GavickPro Documentation

Photoslide GK3 slide management Joomla module

Photoslide GK3 is a component for creating and managing groups of slides for the Image Show module. Detailed information about this component may be found in the Help File at the component download page.

Image Show has three basic and universal styles. Additionally, every template for Joomla 1.5 has an individual Image Show module style.

The style’s files are in the html/mod_gk_image_show catalog. Also, there is a gk.image_show.js file located in the js/ catalog which contains the scripts necessary for the module styles to work with the template. A given style’s look is defined in the template’s CSS files. Please note that moving a module style to a different template requires dealing with many files.

Every module style has a unique set of parameters which are presented in the demo content article included in the appropriate Quickstart package or at The parameter settings are presented in pairs as: option name – option value.

To work correctly, the Photoslide GK3 component requires appropriate permissions to be applied to catalogs in components/com_gk3_photoslide and for the GD library to be installed / enabled to allow image scaling.

Information about the version of this component for Joomla version 1.6/1.7 is located here.

Photoslide GK3 slide management Joomla module 2.005 (40.00%) 4 votes