GavickPro Documentation

FB GK4 Facebook Joomla module

The FB GK4 module simplifies implementation of Facebook’s social plugins. There are two stages to its configuration. First, set the basic module options:

Automatic URL – Save time by automatically setting the URL of the website on which the plugin is implemented.

Domain and Application ID – These options must be set with data provided by Facebook. Register the URL of your website on the  Facebook Developers site (select ‘Set Up New App’) as per the following image:

Following site registration, you will visit the ‘My Apps’ Facebook page. Selecting the ‘Choose Plugin’ option allows you to select which plugin will be displayed by the FB GK4 module. The following plugins are available:

With the ‘Plugin Code Type’ option you can specify whether to use iframe or the XFBML format (recommended).

Finally, you can specify the language used in plugins; the default is American English – “en_US”.

At this stage, we can move to the exact configuration of a given plugin. To do this, choose a tab connected with the chosen plugin in basic settings:

These parameters are consistent with those made available for most of these FB plugins. For more information about each of the plugins click on the links provided:

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