GavickPro Documentation

Typical Joomla template file issues, and how to fix them

Some questions are common and they appear quite often. Therefore, we would like to describe some typical problems which appear quite often after template’s installation or a Quickstart package.

White blank page after Quickstart package/ template’s installation

If a blank white page appear, in 99% cases it is caused by an error from PHP side which is not displayed because there is display_errors directive set as off in php.ini file. In this case, you have to switch on displaying errors (if we have access to php.ini file) or in index.php in the next line after:


Add the following fragment:

ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

Or if we have access to system logs, we can check error log where there should be all PHP errors written out with time and date its happening.

White page with information about an error after template’s /Quickstart package installation

In most cases this message is connected with require_once function and inability of loading a file or information about inexistent class use. In this case, you have to upload file on a server once again because probably not all files were sent or saved correctly on your server.

Some images of VirtueMart component do not load

It is probably because a path in administrator/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart.cfg.php file is not set; its configuration was described in Quickstart installation for Joomla! 1.5 (the last stage of installation process).

Item counter in VirtueMart mini shopping cart does not sum items added

In most cases the reason is not installing VirtueMart component style dedicated to a template given.

There are messages connected with curl_exec() function

In this case, cURL library is probably not installed on our server. It has to be remembered that this library is necessary to GK Stock and GK Weather modules for Joomla! 1.5 proper work.

There are messages connected with gk_info() function

GD library is a base for working all our extensions which work on images such as: Photoslide GK3 or News Show Pro GK4. Without this library, creating thumbnails is impossible.

There are messages connected with permission denied

In this case, you have to check permissions for cache catalogs of News Show Pro GK4, Image Show GK4, GK Weather, GK Stock, Weather GK4 or Stock GK4 modules (depending on which modules are used in a template given) and when a need arise use 775 or 777 permissions for a catalog and all files in it.

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