GavickPro Documentation

Our Joomla 3 extensions and what they can do

We at GavickPro don’t just focus on making paid-for Joomla templates; we also create a wide selection of Joomla products for you to download and use. From modules to plugins and even our very own Joomla framework, there’s a huge amount of interesting things to find. Let’s take a look at our extensive module collection.

Our Joomla module commitment: Open-source and free to download

Our templates serve a wide range of website types; from Ecommerce to Social Networking. To help us speed up the creation process and put powerful customization tools at our users fingertips, we’ve created a large amount of modules that cover a huge range of needs, every one open-source for you to download and use as you like, whether to beef up your own site or to apply to your own commercial template. Currently, we have the following Joomla 3-compatible modules available for use on our Joomla Modules page:

Extensions for Joomla 3

Each of these modules is available for both Joomla 3 and Joomla 2.5 if you have yet to migrate, but we heavily recommend upgrading to Joomla 3 as soon as possible; it’s an incredibly stable release and Joomla 2.5 is no longer officially supported, so there won’t be any major feature updates for this version of the CMS. Also, remember that you may download and use these modules at no cost on any Joomla website; you don’t need to be running one of our professional templates, so if you just want to give them a try to see what kind of things you can achieve, then go nuts!

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