Improved WordPress comment sharing with our GK Comments widget

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GK Comments for WordPress is a simple widget to display the recent (latest) comments with user avatars on your blog’s sidebar. If you want to encourage your readers in leaving comments on your blog, this is a widget I would recommend.


The configuration options of the widget are really simple:


It offers three important options:

  • Avatar size – this option is used to specify the size of the avatars displayed under each comment. Default value is 64px, but we suggest to use smaller image size, especially if the sidebar column is narrow.
  • Word count – this option allows you to specify the maximal amount of words displayed in each comment item.
  • Number of comments – it specifies the maximal amount of comments to display.

The GK Comments widget uses a built-in WordPress cache system and it refreshes the cache after every comments operation.

Note: By default this widget is embedded in our new WP Quickstart packages. And is not available by WP Plugin Directory.

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