gk_tabs module hight depends on form in content

GK User
Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:06 pm
Hello! I have real estate site with gk_tabs module in header2 position. In some tabs i have dynamical form, that changes depending on previews checked menu. (http://www.upiter-agency.ru). So, that form can be large and small (see attach). Is it possible to set the form to becomes of the same hight, like the form this time? Thank you!
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GK User
Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:00 pm
sorry right now is not possible, without code hacking.
I didn't check all tabs extensions available on JED, but maybe some others could do it.
For example try this plugin or module : Tabs & Sliders - from joomlaworks.gr
or this module: EXT Tabs module
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