Login Popup Outside URL change

Create awesome game website with Game Magazine Joomla template
GK User
Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:49 pm
I need to change the Login button text to CLIENT LOGIN (how do i do this?) see pic: http://prntscr.com/4dnosi


I need to change the URL to go to an outside website. How do the change the URL in the code?

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GK User
Sun Aug 17, 2014 1:23 pm
by the way, i disabled the Javascript popup. Now it goes straight to the regular login page, but i need that link to go to someplace outside the website. where do i change and add the URL to do so?

I tried /templates/gk_game_magazine/layouts/blocks/tools/login.php but couldn't get it to work.

Any ideas?
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GK User
Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:13 pm
How do I change the link please...
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