menu columns?

October 08 Joomla Templates
GK User
Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:41 pm

We have an emergent questions. We could not compose the menus in the menu and under the template of your theme called as 'The World News II'. The example of those menus are called in three names such as Lorem Ipsum, Lorem Ipsum II and Menu Types

If you help as soon possible it would be great.

Thank you already
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:45 pm

I will help You. Just please explain what You need. Show me some examples if You have to.
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GK User
Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:56 pm

First of all, thanks for your offer to help.
To state more specifically:
If you go to , under the template called: The World News II, there is a header that starts with Home/Template/World/etc.
What we would like to accomplish is to have the column structure that you find under the Template menu.. When you float over it you will find that there are three seperate columns titled Lorem Ipsum-Lortem Ipsum II-Menu Types.. We have been unable to seperate our subtitles as shown in this example..
If you go to our trial site you may find our title menu set up in a similar fashion but without the columns under the menus..
If you could help us achieve this menu type, we would much appreciate it.
Thanks again in advance for you help
Kindest regards

teitbite wrote:HI

I will help You. Just please explain what You need. Show me some examples if You have to.
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Fresh Boarder

Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:07 pm

Ok. Please take a look at this screen. It's a part of menu item for "Template" as on example You've shown me. As You can see it's set to show 4 columns. Than "Template" item got 4 subelements which has to got an option group selected as Yes. Than any submenu element related to one of this 4 menu items will be displayed as columns. ... work-menu/
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GK User
Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:09 pm
"Template" item got 4 subelements which has to got an option group selected as Yes

under Template Manager->Menu, the only options I get are shown in the attached file.. I cannot find Group Selected option in any of the pages.. Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong admin page.. Could you please check and confirm whether this is the right page.. If it is, do I need to download/activate another add-on or sth?
Thanks again for your help
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:49 am

Yes this is a wrong place. I was talking about joomla menu item editing page. Just edit a parent item to set number of columns and main subelement to set it to display as column.
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