Photoslide GK3 doesnt work with search friendly url

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Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:56 am
hello everyone
i ve got the problem wirht the url since i chance the url in the backend to search friendliy url
The problem is, that it only not works on the frontpage as well,the other pages works as well.

for exampele:
the photoslider gk3 on the frontpage create this url ( at my website ... icle/3/307

there ist one category to much in this link. if you delate the /3. then the link works as well ... rticle/307

Joomla generates a category too much at all the links in the photo slider and wrapper_highlight
has anyone the same problem or know or does anyone know how I can solve the problem?

Sincerely Frieder
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Fresh Boarder

Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:33 pm

Are You using the latest version of the module ? Noone else reported such issue before ;/
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