Change hover font colour

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GK User
Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:41 pm

I've managed to change the colour of highlighting the menus etc but how do I change the colour of the font when it's hovered over?

I.e. when I hover over a menu item, the font colour is currently still the default red of the demo site and I'd like to change. Also the colour of the bullet points of the submenu options.

Thank you!

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GK User
Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:31 pm
overwrite css - from white color to another, I use yellow in code below.

Code: Select all
#gkMenu ul.level0>li>div.childcontent a:hover,#gkMenu ul.level0>li>div.childcontent li:hover a,#gkMenu ul.level0>li>div.childcontent a:hover > span,#gkMenu ul.level0>li>div.childcontent li:hover > a > span,#gkMenu ul.level0>li>div.childcontent a:hover > span > span,#gkMenu ul.level0>li>div.childcontent li:hover > a > span > span {
   color: yellow !important;
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GK User
Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:55 pm

Thanks but that's not the font colour I mean.. the white is fine.

It's when I hover a menu item and it turns the font colour from the dark grey to the dark red that is the Style 2 colour.

How do I change that?

Have a look at the site I'm working on I've made the block behind the current menu item a deep purple but if you hover over the red of the menu items, the font changes to the original red. How do I make it go to the purple?


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GK User
Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:26 pm
The easy way,
it you want purple for all hovers

Code: Select all
a:hover { color:#4C163A;  }

or hovers only for menu items (for Top Menu - first lever)
Code: Select all
ul.gkmenu li a:hover { color:#4C163A;  }
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GK User
Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:25 pm
Perfect, thank you Pavel!

I seemed to have missed that bit when replacing the colours.


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