Error 500 after install jomsocial on Musicity template

Community fouces Joomla template to build a music magazine website with JomSocial support.
GK User
Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:49 pm
I've bought your template Musicity. i've installed my component jomsocial 2.8 on it.
I've this error message on the page :
Code: Select all
Fonction DB échouée avec le numéro d'erreur 1054
Unknown column '' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT a.`userid` as _userid , a.`status` as _status , a.`points` as _points, a.`posted_on` as _posted_on, a.`avatar` as _avatar , a.`thumb` as _thumb , a.`invite` as _invite, a.`params` as _cparams, a.`view` as _view, a.`friends` as _friends, a.`groups` as _groups, a.`events` as _events, a.`friendcount` as _friendcount, a.`alias` as _alias, a.`profile_id` as _profile_id, a.`storage` as _storage, a.`watermark_hash` as _watermark_hash, a.`search_email` as _search_email, s.`userid` as _isonline, u.* FROM `e9eph_community_users` as a LEFT JOIN `e9eph_users` u ON u.`id`=a.`userid` LEFT OUTER JOIN `e9eph_session` s ON s.`userid`=a.`userid` AND s.`client_id` !='1' WHERE a.`userid`='0'

Can you explain me what i need to do please ?
My website is on local (wamp).
Best regards,
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Konrad M
Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:24 pm
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GK User
Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:01 pm
So i find the solution.
I take a look on a old table from an old version of jomsocial & i saw that it misses some fields on table community_users & community_activities. I add them & it seems to work. I hope that's the solution.
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