[SOLVED] Event page format

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GK User
Tue Mar 15, 2016 9:46 pm


Just installed the theme and really love it, playing around with demo content for two days and almost figured out most of the tricks.

My issue is I can't find out how and where to:
1- submit event activity time and venue which appear in the event page on the left and right side of the text.
I've done creating new agenda and events date successfully, but when it comes to the event data the result is just plain post, even in the front page only the address is appearing.

2 - Related to that issue, I want to know from where to edit Events list page + footer menu pages which are not appearing on the pages tap.

Hope that I explained issues clearly

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:09 pm
Finally I figured out how to do it.

for anyone need to know:

while page creating or editing, just press screen options from the top right, then check the box : custom fields and you will be able to add event hours, venue, speakers ... etc

Best regards to all
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