Error posting K2 Articles

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Tue Mar 14, 2017 3:04 pm
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Hi, everyone!

I'm trying to post new K2 items, but they do not show up on the home page. I did exactly as the examples left, but only old posts appear.
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Fri Mar 17, 2017 1:53 am
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No problem. It only took so long to publish. Very much. Almost a whole day!!! :blink:
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Fresh Boarder

Sat Mar 18, 2017 11:19 am
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It can happen when Your server time is different that Your database time. You can make them same or in NSP configuration use Time Offset option we have added for that problem exactly. There You can state the time gap between database and server.
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Fri Mar 24, 2017 11:14 am
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Thanks for help
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Tue Mar 28, 2017 3:29 pm
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teitbite wrote:Hi

It can happen when Your server time is different that Your database time. You can make them same or in NSP configuration use Time Offset option we have added for that problem exactly. There You can state the time gap between database and server.

Hello, I've done some tests here and it does not seem to be what you said. Both my files and my database are on my server's localhost. There could be no time difference. I tested it by creating a blog just the same and it works perfectly. I think the problem is another one.

Ah! And I don't know what is "NSP configuration", could you helpme?
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Fresh Boarder

Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:37 am
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NSP = News Show Pro module. By it's configuration I mean in module settings.

It doesn't matter if database and site are on the same server. Time in database can still be set differently than server one.

K2 during article creation uses TIMESTAMP option which takes current time from database. All K2 features are based on database time while displaying articles so they will work correctly. Our NSP module is designed to support multiple sources (regular joomla articles, k2, virtuemart, etc), because of that structure all scripting is done server side, this is why a correction to K2 source with Time Offset option was added to counter the time difference in case times do not match.
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