Custom module in quickstart shows FB tle in grid: how?
Professional Joomla social template with metro design and JomSocial extension support.
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- GK User
- Mon Oct 24, 2016 11:34 am
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Hello. Just installed the M social template including the quickstart. Browsing to the Custom modules there is one thing that I can't discover: the FB Icon module displays in the grid a nice logo and clickable tile. But in the module itself there is no image or URL mentioned. Where can I find the linking pin? Where is the relation between this modue and finaly showing the FB logo and URL?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
- Fresh Boarder
- GK User
- Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:47 am
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Found it. After installing JCE editor and make it default, the code in the module was visible. Don't know why... Maybe browser related? Anyway, it's solved.
- Fresh Boarder
- teitbite
- Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:47 am
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Some of joomla editors removes html5 code, since it's not recognising it. I prefere to change "No editor" in user settings when I work with such code to not have problems, but as You've noticed JCE editor does recognise it pretty good already.
Some of joomla editors removes html5 code, since it's not recognising it. I prefere to change "No editor" in user settings when I work with such code to not have problems, but as You've noticed JCE editor does recognise it pretty good already.
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