Icon lost in Header module

Well-designed restaurant Joomla template with parallax effect.
GK User
Sat Dec 13, 2014 6:43 pm
I modified the text of the icons in the " header module " but unfortunately I lost the icons . By controlling the code I've seen that there are no more code to the icons " fa-..." you might write the original code ?
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GK User
Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:46 pm
Can you help me guys?
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GK User
Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:26 pm
sigh! I need your help...
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GK User
Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:34 pm
I have the same problem. Somebody can help us?
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GK User
Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:27 pm
I have the same issue. The icons are lost after modifying the text. Can a moderator please help us?
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GK User
Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:53 pm
I have found the solution and I want to put it on hand of who of it had need.
This issue occurs because the standard text editor on joomla ( TinyMCE ) modify the html code and removes the code that load the icons , which would be this:
Code: Select all
<em class="gk-icon-dinner-set-solid"></em>

The solution is to install a better text editor (JCE) and then proceed with the customization on the contents.
But if you have already saved the content with the old text editor , you will have lost the code :shock:
For those who need it , I post here the original code complete to restore the demo version of the module.
Code: Select all
<h1 data-scroll-reveal="enter top over .5s after 0s">The Best Steak House is Here</h1>
<h2 data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after .15s">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean semper orci semper tempus.</h2>
<p><a href="#restaurant" class="btn" data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after .25s">Discover our restaurant</a></p>
<ul class="gk-short-menu">
<li data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after .25s"><a href="#menu"><em class="gk-icon-dinner-set-solid"></em> <span>Menu</span></a></li>
<li data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after .5s"><a href="#specials"><em class="gk-icon-bottle-glass-solid"></em> <span>Specials</span></a></li>
<li data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after .75s"><a href="index.php/gallery"><em class="gk-icon-gallery-solid"></em> <span>Gallery</span></a></li>
<li data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after 1s"><a href="index.php/reservation"><em class="gk-icon-calendar-solid"></em> <span>Reservation</span></a></li>
<li data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after 1.25s"><a href="#location"><em class="gk-icon-map-path-solid"></em> <span>Location</span></a></li>
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GK User
Tue Apr 07, 2015 9:54 pm
Thanks a lot, very very helpful!! Now I have different sizes of icons, any idea? :)
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GK User
Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:20 pm
can you post a link?
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GK User
Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:45 am
All is solved now, thanks for your help!!! :)
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GK User
Mon Apr 27, 2015 8:20 am
kissedit - How are you solve different sizes of icons?
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GK User
Mon May 11, 2015 9:17 pm
Thanks for posting your solution here mate, i had the same problem.
Wondering where the moderators are..
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GK User
Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:51 am
Code: Select all
<h1 data-scroll-reveal="enter top over .5s after 0s">The Best Steak House is Here</h1>
<h2 data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after .15s">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean semper orci semper tempus.</h2>
<p><a href="#restaurant" class="btn" data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after .25s">Discover our restaurant</a>
<ul class="gk-short-menu">
   <li data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after .25s"><a href="#menu"><em class="gk-icon-dinner-set-solid"></em> <span>Menu</span></a></li>
   <li data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after .5s"><a href="#specials"><em class="gk-icon-bottle-glass-solid"></em> <span>Specials</span></a></li>
   <li data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after .75s"><a href="index.php/gallery"><em class="gk-icon-gallery-solid"></em> <span>Gallery</span></a></li>
   <li data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after 1s"><a href="index.php/reservation"><em class="gk-icon-calendar-solid"></em> <span>Reservation</span></a></li>
   <li data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom over .5s after 1.25s"><a href="#location"><em class="gk-icon-map-path-solid"></em> <span>Location</span></a></li>
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GK User
Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:54 am
I change the editor a now with ((jce editor) the sice of the icons are very small. Any indea??
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GK User
Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:38 pm
than you very much for your help!!! It works.
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GK User
Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:00 am
My experience with this problem (that the icons in the Header module) get very small is exact the opposite that what is explained in this tread.
I had the same problem after I installed the JCE editor and opened the module for some editing. When I saved it I did not see what happend, but the frontend had god the small icons.
That is because JCE editor change something in the code when you use it.

Here is the original:
<i class="gk-icon-bottle-glass-solid"></i>

Here is what JCE editor *** up:
<em class="gk-icon-bottle-glass-solid"></en>

So all you have to do is
1.) Use another editor for that special page where you use those icons
2.) Change back to "i" instead of "em"

When I copied the original code inn with another editor, I got my big icons back.
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