Tag archive: News Show Pro

Add image titles in NSP’s Portfolio layout

In News Show Pro GK5 default Portfolio view don’t show K2 article titles below image, but sometimes you need this feature. Please note this is module customization, because you have to change a little bit a source code of it. First you have open in editor only one file from NSP module: mod_news_pro_gk5\portal_modes\portfolio\controller.php In line… Continue reading →

Disabling additional buttons in the NSP module for Joomla

On some Joomla! templates, foe example GK Creativity, you might saw “MORE WORK” button. Which not always is required for your needs (project). If you are using “Portfolio – Portal Mode Settings” in NSP GK5 there you will find a option to hide ‘MORE WORK’ using a Link at the bottom.

Delivering News Show Pro content in multiple languages

If you are using our News Show Pro GK5 module for Joomla! and you would like to translate a word, phrase, or even a whole sentence from it, for example, “Read more”, “More work” and “See More” or simply change to another sentence – follow this guide and it will help you create a multilingual… Continue reading →

The News Show Pro GK5 Joomla article showcase module

News Show Pro GK5 is the next generation of our best module for presenting articles in both Joomla! 2.5 and Joomla! 3.x. Huge amount of options and possibilities of formatting causes NSP GK5 is a complex tool in making www pages content attractive. Module is appropriate while preparing simple structures with an individual article, the… Continue reading →

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