Bluap header translate with Joomfish
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- GK User
- Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:39 pm
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Do you maybe have idea how to translate Header Image Show GK4 with Joomfish into another language?
Do you maybe have idea how to translate Header Image Show GK4 with Joomfish into another language?
- Senior Boarder
- GK User
- Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:06 pm
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I was thinking that Joomfish project was dead since J2.5 came out and became popular.
Our modules can be translated, if you talk about language file,
but if you want to use in different language you have to create module copy for each language you have.
Sorry but Joomfish I used last time on J1.5 - but it was ~~at least 3-4 years ago.
I was thinking that Joomfish project was dead since J2.5 came out and became popular.
Our modules can be translated, if you talk about language file,
but if you want to use in different language you have to create module copy for each language you have.
Sorry but Joomfish I used last time on J1.5 - but it was ~~at least 3-4 years ago.
- Platinum Boarder
- GK User
- Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:38 pm
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hi there.
thank you for quick reply. Joomfish is back for 2.5 version.
the thing is, I want to translate the header module in the page I a,m working:
to another language:
but after copy it with Joomfish like I did for everything else, the module doesn't work.
So, if I copy the module in modules and assign it to Slovenian language, how do I implement it to Slovenian Home page only?
thank you for quick reply. Joomfish is back for 2.5 version.
the thing is, I want to translate the header module in the page I a,m working:
to another language:
but after copy it with Joomfish like I did for everything else, the module doesn't work.
So, if I copy the module in modules and assign it to Slovenian language, how do I implement it to Slovenian Home page only?
- Senior Boarder
- GK User
- Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:02 pm
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You don't have to use Joomfish to translate module. Use standard mode. How often you will update content inside this module - once a week or moth or year?
We can not support all extensions , it's not possible.
I suggest to:
1) create two copy of this same module
2) each of them must be assign to only one language and must be on this same position
We can not support all extensions , it's not possible.
I suggest to:
1) create two copy of this same module
2) each of them must be assign to only one language and must be on this same position
- Platinum Boarder
- GK User
- Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:49 pm
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I understand that you can't support all extensions. It will not be updated very often..
Anyway I already tried what you refering here.
I deleted Joomfish translation for header, then I copied header with Image Show GK4 as you said. set the original English one to Home only and Slovenian one to Domov only, but nothing changes.
What am I missing here.
I have plugin System - Language Filter turned to off as it does some redirect loop and nothing works after.. is that the case that the different Image Show GK4 wont show on different menu selection?

Anyway I already tried what you refering here.
I deleted Joomfish translation for header, then I copied header with Image Show GK4 as you said. set the original English one to Home only and Slovenian one to Domov only, but nothing changes.
What am I missing here.
I have plugin System - Language Filter turned to off as it does some redirect loop and nothing works after.. is that the case that the different Image Show GK4 wont show on different menu selection?

- Senior Boarder
- GK User
- Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:00 pm
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Are you sure is this fault of template or module ?
Change template to default and check again.
On Youtube there many guides how to configure multilingual in Joomla 2.5 - probably also in your native language
Change template to default and check again.
On Youtube there many guides how to configure multilingual in Joomla 2.5 - probably also in your native language
- Platinum Boarder
- GK User
- Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:44 pm
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hmm, if I change the site in ordinary module, then no contents showed up at all
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- GK User
- Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:57 am
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I don't know how to help you, without spending many minutes on your admin panel and checking all your settings.
- Platinum Boarder
- GK User
- Tue Mar 18, 2014 12:43 am
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Sorry for delay,
As I expect probably this was your first time when you played with multilanguage on Joomla, that's why you made small mistakes.
I have pleased you to watch movies about it on youtube.
Next time please publish "Multilanguage status" module for back-end -- there you will find all tips!
1) Update your Joomla to 2.5.19
2) Update gavick modules, download from gavick site new versions
3) Ask your hosting provider why your hosting had issue in the middle of night. Dead
As I expect probably this was your first time when you played with multilanguage on Joomla, that's why you made small mistakes.
I have pleased you to watch movies about it on youtube.
Next time please publish "Multilanguage status" module for back-end -- there you will find all tips!
This site is set as a multilanguage site. One or more of the Default Home pages for the published Content languages are missing although the Language Filter plugin is enabled OR/AND one or more Language Switcher modules are published
Warning This site is set as a multilanguage site, at least one Language Switcher module set to language "All" has to be published. Disregard this message if you do not use a language switcher module but direct links.
1) Update your Joomla to 2.5.19
2) Update gavick modules, download from gavick site new versions
3) Ask your hosting provider why your hosting had issue in the middle of night. Dead

- Platinum Boarder
- GK User
- Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:45 am
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Yes, in 2.5 Joomla is first time setting up multilanguage.
I've learned about Multilanguage status.
I updated Joomla to 2.5.19
Modules of Image Show is updated to last version
When I set System - Language Filter to on in Plugins, then the website is not working at all.
Safari says:

Chrome says:

I also don't understand why Multilanguage Status says this, when I have the each for each language each default home page set-up?

Yes, in 2.5 Joomla is first time setting up multilanguage.
I've learned about Multilanguage status.
I updated Joomla to 2.5.19
Modules of Image Show is updated to last version
When I set System - Language Filter to on in Plugins, then the website is not working at all.
Safari says:

Chrome says:

I also don't understand why Multilanguage Status says this, when I have the each for each language each default home page set-up?

- Senior Boarder
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