Sub Menus Aside menu
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- GK User
- Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:28 am
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Is it possible to have the sub menus items wrapping out when you hover over the menus?? with aside menu type??
Instead of all those submenus already showing ??
kind regards
Is it possible to have the sub menus items wrapping out when you hover over the menus?? with aside menu type??
Instead of all those submenus already showing ??
kind regards
- Senior Boarder
- teitbite
- Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:31 am
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Please try add this code to css:
Please try add this code to css:
- Code: Select all
#aside-menu li.haschild ul {
display: none;
#aside-menu li.haschild:hover ul {
display: block;
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- GK User
- Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:17 am
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it workt !
thank you very much
thank you very much

- Senior Boarder
- teitbite
- Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:37 am
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This is the easiest way. Of course it can be tweaked with some effects, so if You want to add it just let me know.
This is the easiest way. Of course it can be tweaked with some effects, so if You want to add it just let me know.
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- GK User
- Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:19 pm
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Is there a way to make it more fluid and transition like with mootools or something?
- Junior Boarder
- GK User
- Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:40 am
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teitbite wrote:hi
This is the easiest way. Of course it can be tweaked with some effects, so if You want to add it just let me know.
That sounds really cool!!
what kind of effects do you have in mind??
kind regards.
- Senior Boarder
- teitbite
- Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:31 am
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There is a lot of ways of oing it, but i think jquery is the easiest I can think of. With this script:
There is a lot of ways of oing it, but i think jquery is the easiest I can think of. With this script:
- Code: Select all
$("#aside-menu li.haschild").hover(
function () {
function () {
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- GK User
- Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:22 pm
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Where would I put this? In the layouts/default.php?
teitbite wrote:Hi
There is a lot of ways of oing it, but i think jquery is the easiest I can think of. With this script:
- Code: Select all
$("#aside-menu li.haschild").hover(
function () {
function () {
- Junior Boarder
- teitbite
- Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:18 am
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I think /layout/blocks/head.php would be the best place.
I think /layout/blocks/head.php would be the best place.
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- GK User
- Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:43 am
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I did. Didn't notice any difference at all. But thanks for the tip. Appreciate you getting back to me.
- Junior Boarder
- teitbite
- Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:41 am
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Yes it's hard to guess if I cannot see this in action while creating code. If You still want to have this modification please send me an access to ftp so I'll make it for You and present the solution for others.
Yes it's hard to guess if I cannot see this in action while creating code. If You still want to have this modification please send me an access to ftp so I'll make it for You and present the solution for others.
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- GK User
- Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:15 am
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Hi folks. New to Gavick templates. I'm working on a site with an aside menu & have used the CSS snippet above to show/hide menu lists on hover. I'm wondering if there is an easy way to have primary level 1 menu items toggle their child lists on click instead of hover? Hover is visually jarring and not easy to navigate.
Here is example site:
I have "Favorites" display by default, but want things like Plan Your Trip to be clickable instead of hoverable. Make sense? I've played with various jquery snippets in /layout/head.php to toggle the gkmenu level1 class display to block on click, but nothing is working.
Thanks for any tips! Learning as I go!
Here is example site:
I have "Favorites" display by default, but want things like Plan Your Trip to be clickable instead of hoverable. Make sense? I've played with various jquery snippets in /layout/head.php to toggle the gkmenu level1 class display to block on click, but nothing is working.
Thanks for any tips! Learning as I go!
- Fresh Boarder
- teitbite
- Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:49 pm
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Problem is that for example "Favorites" is a link as well, so clicking it will redirect You. I think it can be done if main elements of the menu will be "Text separators".
Also using a number as css class name is an error for validators, so try add at least one letter before the number in list.
Problem is that for example "Favorites" is a link as well, so clicking it will redirect You. I think it can be done if main elements of the menu will be "Text separators".
Also using a number as css class name is an error for validators, so try add at least one letter before the number in list.
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