[PREVIEW] GK Evo News – News and Magazines Joomla template

Joomla template for news and magazines website - GK Evo News

This month, we will introduce GK Evo News Joomla template for news and magazines website and JA Space Joomla template for portfolio and agency website. Let’s check PREVIEW of the 2 new templates.

Gavick Evo News Joomla template Preview

Evo News is our next beautiful Joomla template for news and magazines with modern and responsive design to present news across devices. The template can be used for reporters and journalists to bring the latest stories to the public eye. The advanced social sharing will help share your posts easily via popular social networks.

Go through the sneak peek of the News template:

SNEAK PEEK 1: Home page

news and magazine joomla template home page GK Evonews

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SNEAK PEEK 2: Category page

news joomla template category page GK Evonews

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SNEAK PEEK 3: News detail page

news joomla template detail page GK Evo news

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SNEAK PEEK 4: Featured News page

magazines joomla template featured news GK Evo news

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JA Space Joomla template preview

The Joomla template for Portfolio and Agency helps you quickly build beautiful and creative websites to bring attention to your portfolio, design projects or agency services with all the elements you need in one place. It is responsive for the full experience on any device or screen-size, supports all default Joomla pages and more.

creative template for portfolio and agency websites JA Space

View JA Space Joomla template preview on JoomlArt

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This article was first published November 27th, 2018