VirtueMart 2.0 is ready for Joomla 2.5

I’m so happy to inform you that expected, the next version of VirtueMart went through tonight’s official launch. Component VM 2.0.2 (Official Update) is finally compatible with Joomla! 2.5 and contains many new features!


This version fixes several bugs from the previous versions, adds support for two more payment processors (PayZen, and Authorize.Net). New billing system incorporated in core: after order payment confirmation, the invoice is sent directly to shopper with the mail. Just install new this will (should) update your current VirtueMart.

In the introduction of the official message from the authors we read that shortly after the release of VM 2 have to swallow the bitter pill of criticism. Incompatible with the release of the latest Joomla and a large number of bugs the species component of e-commerce, it was certainly a step in the wrong direction.

Download: VirtueMart 2.0.2

This article was first published February 27th, 2012